The Making Of

Lil' Dente



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We're getting into Dr. Naomi Sedani's world!

Follow her journey, week by week, as she creates her start-up: Lil' Dente

Naomi is scheduled to open up her practice in February 2023... that's only a couple of weeks away!

Listen each week to hear the raw truth and the "behind the scenes" details that not many talk about publicly when it comes to starting up a practice!

We uncover unexpected struggles she is facing, what "life-saving" practice tips she discovered, how much everything is costing, what equipment/ companies she decides to go with and why, her vision to grow in the community, all her financials, how all of this is affecting her personal life, and everything in between!

Naomi may need your help and advice, so please feel free to engage with each episode, share your feedback, and ask questions here:

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Thank you for listening to this series "The Making of Smile Oasis" on The Making of a Dental Start-Up. If you enjoyed it, please share with anyone you think will gain value from the show by clicking on one of the sharing tabs above.

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Remember that Naomi's dental practice is being built in real time. Follow her incredible journey and message her here:


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Naomi's Personal Instagram:

Naomi's Practice Instagram:

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